Sunday, September 21, 2014

I Ain't a Boy

Me (talking about how I feel about GMVS): Go eat a dick, how does that sound?
Joe: Salty and unpleasant.

This boy, this boy can stay.

Five minutes later...

Joe: Hashtag fag, amirite?

This boy, this boy can go.

This is my favorite fucking picture because I didn't know that Tessie was flipping off the camera and either Margaret or Abby took it and I'm wearing my "I Party with Jay Gatsby" shirt and my TARDIS hat and my jean jacket which I pretty much refused to take off and you can see Captain America's shield on my name tag and I love that name tag because we made them on the first day and everyone was gathered in the common room and we were all using markers to decorate our name tags and I was sitting there and I didn't even want to be shy. And on the last night we sat in the cafeteria and drank soda and ate icecream and pizza until they kicked us out. And I don't really like pizza, but this pizza was okay. And as we were getting up to leave, someone called my name and I turned around and made a dumb face. I just look ridiculous and for some reason I was so, so happy through this whole weekend and then for the rest of the year. And I miss CCYWC and I miss my knee-jerk reactions being acceptable and I miss it being so easy.

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