Monday, March 17, 2014



Last spring at CCYWC (That's Champlain College Young Writers' Conference, AKA my bros), I put off packing until around 4am on the last night because a group of girls and I were in the dorm common room writing the most ridiculous poem to exist ever. (Okay. We're calling it a poem simply because there is no other word for the spectacle that is that piece of writing.) But I never posted it because it's so inappropriate/ridiculous/nonsensical. On the last day, we stole Abby's notebook, commandeered a copy machine (this was actually quite difficult), and made copies for all five or so of us. I have mine taped to my wall at home but I had almost forgotten about it until my friend sent me a message with the first few lines. So I'm going to post it now. But if you're not prepared for this poem (it's called The Fuckweasels by the way), I'm also posting an adorable video of a porcupine eating a little pumpkin.


Please go into this with a sense of humor and an understanding of how ridiculously hyper we were at 3am. It was not our intention to offend.

"The Fuckweasels"

Fuck the weasel once did I
How I wish he would couch me so on my bosom

Scoodilipooping canoodlers on the front porch
Dancing in the moonlight, leaping with the moose

He’s such a baby
can he be on my pizza?
But tell domino’s it was undercooked
Cause it was crying

As sheet rock cascaded into the toilet
I wept
I wish someone would grip me tight
And raise me from this perdition
So that I could be free from the wrath
Of the nefarious spirit
That won’t allow me to poop

Don’t trust her,
She reads gay porn

You need more mothers to love
You need more mothers to fuck, according to Freud

Fuck the window, once did I
That was awkward
There were people outside

It smells so bad in here
And then I found anal

Lose your energy drink virginity
And join the hyper-jittery masses
Conform to non-conformity
And get fucked in the asses

Go home, you’re drunk
You’re out of fucking space
Or are you in fucking outerspace

In the heroin dens
With rocket fuel in their veins
Kicking over fucking tables
And screaming like a weasel

As I fucked it in the ass
With rocket fuel jizz
As it soared into the moon

I ship Epopnine and Marius
And Cosette and HEAVY DEATH
That’s fucking metal

With a kleptomaniac stripper
With Hannibal Lector
That guy was dead in thirty days

It’s fucking Tuesday
Yesterday was too
The only way out it with the Jabberwockies
Fuck yeah that was a star wars reference
But aren’t they all?

Jimmy Carter liked Captain Kirk
(But more than just a friend)

This is infinite
In that moment, I swear we were all
John Green
Ripping out souls and lighting them on fire
Or maybe Obama
Or maybe yo mama

Moffat lays the corpses on the roof
One by one
He kicks them
over the edge
Before he hangs in the rafters
With the bats

And the nuns who sit in silence
Snorting their lines
With Dr. Sexy
Doctor Who?

You pudding stealer, you fucking bitch
Telephone poles the legs of giants
Magic hens lodges in the sky
I smell death
Like decomposing bodies

There is nothing like it


So there are a lot of references in there. I also like how we get really introspective and morbid at the end. If you made it through the whole thing than you deserve a round of applause. It sort of makes me want to cry but I'm too busy laughing.

Originally I was going to talk about gender roles, but I sort of like this better.

(I'm so sorry that I can't find the artist for this one, otherwise I would source it.)

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