Thursday, August 28, 2014


Today was Becca's first day of school. I was supposed to go to lunch with Liezl and Natalie and take Liezl to Williston for school supplies. Yesterday was Lexi's birthday and tomorrow night my mother is coming up to help me move in to school on Friday. All of these things are making me groan internally. You can't make me. I don't want to go to orientation. With all these people that I already don't like and meet my roommate who very much likes accent rugs and is interested in us having a color coordinated room. I don't care about our room aesthetic. I care about sleep and books and clothes that have just come out of the dryer. That is all I care about.

But Liezl took me bra shopping and we decided that we should own a farm together when we're older and went to dinner and got frozen yogurt and walked around Burlington and I got records and all in all it wasn't terrible. Then I called my mother to tell her that I was home and, other than being unastounded (is this a word? It's too late to tell.) that I was home and not dead, she made me feel like I'm really disorganized and not ready or packed at all and that is why I'm not asleep right now. Because sleep is for people who aren't me apparently.

Other than that, I still wake up everyday and am not Beyonce. I alternate between sad and mad quickly enough to make me dizzy. I like rap music (????). I'm simultaneously exhausted and feeling an extreme urge to throw something, namely a brick, namely at someone's face. I don't care who. Does anyone have a face they need a brick thrown at? I know that sentence ended with a preposition but between 12:15am and 12:30am, questions are not sentences. so there. good night.

Seen in Burlington

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