Monday, June 23, 2014

Really? Is This What You're Doing Right Now?

Stop reading my shitty blog that's composed mostly of me whining about literally anything and everything. Instead of venting my feelings about my "problems" or my semblance of a life, I should probably just suck it up; I assume that's what everyone else is doing. But then again, fuck everybody else. And fuck everything for everything. (Do you understand?)

And, so without further ado, I present, "Sammi Whining Like The Pansy She Is."

I’m scared you’ll realize how much I just want
to be a part of you
to be close to you
to write you as every character in every story I ever imagine

You are terrible
You’d make a great villain
You are sweet
You’d make a great hero
You are both

You’re great, darling

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