Thursday, July 17, 2014

maybe my problem is that you're such a stupid dickface

The other day, I was in the shower and I thought to myself, Are you there God? It's me: Margaret Thatcher. Then I was washing shampoo out of my hair and I realized that I am not Margaret Thatcher. Out loud, I said, "Oh my god." And that's the kind of week it's been.

I spent an afternoon bitching about teenage boys with a teenage boy (?????). Hobey and I also talked about how sneezes always come in pairs and children have no idea what it means to be considerate, and the ones that are considerate, don't understand how that makes them different. He told me about how a snowboarder had broken his leg when he was five; I told him about the snowboarder that had run me over, giving me eighteen stitches, when I was seven. Then he threatened to steal my car. And that's how I made a friend.

Other than that, I'd like to discuss this song.

It's the official lyric video, so the words are correct. I'm just slightly confused by the lines: "Lay all your laundry on the bed/then I'll lay in it instead." Like, I'm not trying to kink-shame here, I'm just wondering why you would dump out your laundry basket onto your bed. If it's clean, it's probably already folded. If it's dirty, why do you want dirty clothes on your bed. I'm just like ??????. Oh. Wait. Breaking news. He's telling her to strip. As in take her clothes off. Those are her laundry. I understand now. I'm so sorry.

This video is important to me

'Cause I'm sleeping in the back of a taxi
I'm screaming from my bedroom window
Even if its gonna kill me

Woke up this morning early before my family
From this dream where she was trying to show me
How a life can move from the darkness
She said to get better

So I put a bullet where I shoulda put a helmet
And I crash my car cause I wanna get carried away
That's why I'm standing on the overpass screaming at myself,

"Hey, I wanna get better!"

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